A lot of people regard the 90's as a fashion write off, I however revere it.

I think a lot of people forget that the 90's was such a pivotal era when it came to fashion.
Grunge was born (of which I will ever be forever grateful to for making it sociably acceptable to not wash you hair for more than 2 days) so was the era of the 'super model' when they were actually, excuse the pun, super! Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Brooke shields the epitome of a healthy, beautiful, sexy woman who could still rock the shit out of a Galliano gown.
In my opinion Calvin Klein had it's best years in the 90's with body con, clean lines, chiffon and men's wear silhouettes, all taking centre stage in the '95 SS collection
A lot of which have been shown again in this seasons fashion weeks.
The first wives club; a prime example of excellence.. the cigarette pants, the body's, the furs you cannot get vexed with any outfit in this film!
For me the 90's is not just an era but a serious fashion moment of inspiration!
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