Its hard to beleive that Chirstmas is almost upon us, where has this year gone?!
In-light of this, I (like many of you I'm sure)have spent an inordiunate amount of time pondering what I am going to wear over the festive period.
Is that really shallow? Actually, don't answer that.
With so many family get- togethers, parties and reasons to celebrate, the mind can't help but wonder!
So far I have decided that Christmas will see me channeling a cross between Ellie Saab couture fall 2011- A full post about this collection will be done as I am just absolutely in love with it - the attention to detail, the way he seemlessly moved through the colour pallet- it's as if The Christmas angel was his point of reference.

Infused with a little bit of Rosalind Russell cira 'Auntie Mame'- This film is just wonderful, the clothes, the clothes, the clothes! They will have you rooting around in your mad aunties attack- a christmas must watch! Rosalind and I also have the same hair so I take solace in that.

for new years I am mostly wanting to look like this....

Gucci AW11
Or this...

Ellie Saab Fall 11
The general theme is in and around the 20's (this obsession is reaching enhealthy realms now) All satin and teal with a hint of 20's glamour in the way of a dramatic stole, hair and makeup...or a detailed dress in a glamourous flapper style, layers and beading being the main point of focus.
The reality of the matter is I will most likely spend all day trying to figure out what to do, eat myself into a coma and miss the whole thing- all of this taking place whilst donning a Christmas onezie.
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