Packing for Paris is not easy. Especially when you only have hand luggage. The wonderful boyfriend is taking me to Paris for four days and I am tackling the mammouth task that is a 'streamline' wardrobe. The problem is I never know what I want to wear until the day so this is taking a lot of forward planning and mood predicting (also a game of clothes hokey-cokey 'in-out-in-out'). A few things I am sure of however, are my flight essentials: Vogue, reading glasses, jumper for the inevitably cold aeroplane, notebook, diary, Nivea lip balm, Nivea hand cream, Chanel perfume, eye drops, mobile (for music) and an over-read copy of Hemingway- a movable feast (to get me in the mood for Paris, good and proper!) Au revoir mes amis, see you on the other side!
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