The Great Gatsby by F.Scott. Fitzgerald is one of my all time favourite novels. The way in which he married, the elitest society and tragedy of such a beautifully prosperous time.. The characters are charming and endearing and the setting and plot is both unexpected and pre-empted at the same time.
So imagine my excitement when Baz lurhman announced that the production for his remake of the wonderful novel had begun!!!
Originally made into a film in 1974 starring Mia farrow and Robert bedford the remake see's Carry Mulligan playing Daisy Buchanan and Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby- Perfect casting in my opinion... and just imagine the outfits.. the wide legged trousers, drop waste dressed with the intricate details, stoles and over coats *swoon*
I cannot wait for a whole new generation, who are now adverse to reading books, to be able to appreciated the Magnificent, rare talent that was Fitzgerald.
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