Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010
soundtrack to my life...
Many tracks infultrate their way into my daily soundtrack.. this is one particular tune that reminds me of where and how i want to be right now.. in a mustang, top down, with fantastic company on an open road, in the sun..(que cheesy katie perry montage)
Saturday, 20 November 2010

I got so totally sick of having long hair and the bleach was making my hair snap at an alarming rate... so i have had it all cut and died back chocolate brown (natural hues and all that) ... what i mean to say is i cut and dyed it myself, i never trust hairdressers, they always get it oh.so.wrong.
It is now sort of a cross pollination between the Shannyn Sosoman and Johnny Depp pictures above.
Will post some pics once i have the energy to take them as i got next to no sleep last night on account of crashing my car :S bad times!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Hug your bones and skin
This hat makes me look like a rabbi in certain situations... however, this does not stop me wearing it.
Again with the inspector gadget/delboy jacket- i love this piece because you can throw it over absolutely anything and it instantly makes you look and feel like you haven't put a second thought to it.. bringing you closer to the never ending quest for 'effortlessly cool'
My doc martins are so broken in now that they feel like slippers and my affinety for any sort of headwear comes in handy when i tend to only wash my hair once or twice a week.
My heart belongs to daddy

Just returned from my reading week in London. Spent my days wandering from one end of the city to the other; Tate modern to see Ai Weiweis exhibition of 100 million sunflower seeds.. the sheer scale of it was mind blowing!! My friend and i then continued for to look at the rest of the exhibitions and exploded into fits of giggles at pieces of clay that looked like feces (i know, soo mature) We then wandered over to Soho, picking up books from a vintage market, browsing seedy sex shops, in which i witnessed some of the most explicit imagery i have ever seen and stopping for numerous amounts of coffees along the way. Ended the evening with frozen yogurt.
The next instalment of culture central was the V&A and the national history museum, the room full of natural pyrite and rocks brought upon a serious spout of inspiration and i have decided to start a new project with them as my reference... more to follow on that!
The most perfect bag that also happens to be a historical relic
I will continue to covet the front panels of this dress

My last night consisted of Dim sum in Knights bridge and meeting up with friends for cocktails in Eclipse in South Kensington. Oh London how i love thee, until next time mi amore xx
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Willow - Whip My Hair - Video Version
This is Willow Smith... Will and Jada Smiths diamond incrusted offspring...
she's 10?!?! what the hell, when i was 10 i was playing with my little ponies in my spice girl t-shirt.
Is it wrong that i kind of want to be her??
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Party like a Rock star

Finally the last instalment of my sisters birthday bonanza! We had an 80's themed party (originally 80's rock star, but everyone wanted to come as kiss so we scrapped it) It was an extremely messy affair and i woke up with pot noodle in my hair... suffice to say it was a good one.
Absolutely amazed by some of the outfits, people went all out! check Mr T and Maggie Thatcher!!! My costume fell through last minute so I went as Adam Ant, this took little to no effort on the outfit front and i don't know what that says about my wardrobe as i had all the ingredients to create a camp pirate in no time at all.
75% of the people there realised who i was, the other 25% thought i was just an extrovert with a white line on my face and string in my hair.... and I'm OK with that.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Lenny, Lenny cool

This blog is fastly becomming about my perving on men.. i swear im not some sort of preditory maneater.
Kravitz... when he had it all.
I feel it in my fingers..
zara cape
zara shirt
j brand kick flares
topshop wedges
AMY: Topshop faux fur
Topshop shoes
My vintage lace shift
My Topshop unique rucksack
Day two of my sisters celebrations... it's a three day affair.
We went to the fantastic Hannahannah for some Teppenyake- I am still so in awe of the chefs who perform this art form, i got so caught up in the moment that i didn't realise my embarrassingly loud clap had caused all the other tables to turn around and look! We then went to Tokyo for some amazing strawberry and raspberry cocktails (jokes about going from a Japanese restaurant to Tokyo ensued... gotta love fathers) This quickly turned into an impromptu night out resulting in get rich quick schemes, school girls, tears and a £40 taxi to take us 10 miles.. Day two: success.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Birthday pie

Its my sisters birthday (Happy birthday little bean!!) and we speant the day at the Malmaison hotel having hot rock massages and Tapas, followed by some of the most incredable coffee and pecan pie this side of the Tyne, Intermezzo is by far my favourite haunt in Newcastle... perfect afternoon!
Now off for an evening of Japanease and cocktails before the fancy dress party tomorrow... wait until you see the outfits!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Lavinder for secrets..
vintage chanel necklace
topshop knit
zara trousers
topshop loafers
vintage bag
As i have mentioned in previous posts i am sort of obsessed with the idea of being an inspector gadget/farrah fawcett love child.
However, i totally neglected to mention how much i love a loafer/brogue/trouser combo.
This is pretty much my go to outfit when i have long days at uni looming.
Knuckle duster rings is no new feat, although i think i tend to look more like a gypsy than most, partly because i have a huge penchant for gold (silver makes me look like a lesbian pirate) which, when coupled with my love of hats/ turbans/ other head dresses, all seems to scream:
"buy some lavinder and i'll tell you your fortune"
Femme fatale

So I styled a shoot yesterday for The Journal magazine, Accent.
The brief was 'Femme Fatale' so i opted for 50's film noir, referencing Sophia Loren, Rita Haywood and old risque movie stills.
The shots are looking to be quite good, although I'm almost positive the photographer was taking some for his personal collection judging by the direction he was giving the models!
The poor things were traipsed all over the city scantily clad in 3 degrees for him to then have them lie all over each other in an alley... very peculiar he was.
As soon as i get some stills i will post them on here, until then enjoy a completely unrelated picture of me and my sister/partner in crime on holiday in our Malta home!
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